TAG Explorations explores the wonders of the heart in third grade. The heart of the pig is most like the human heart. The Bradfield third graders were able to dissect a pig heart and learn more about the anatomy and function of the heart. Each campus receives pig hearts donated by PC-TAG!
PC-TAG happily welcomed our MIS and HPMS teachers and staff back to school this week with a wonderful breakfast from Jen's Place Bakery and Cafe Wednesday, January 5th. A big thank you to our resource committee members Jennifer Munoz and Dianna Bowen for hosting this event. Jennifer Munoz saw January 5th was National Bird Day and was able to incorporate that theme into the breakfast decor. |
PC-TAGWe will post items of interest that discuss gifted education as part of PC-TAG’s mission to develop a stronger awareness of the needs of gifted children and to strengthen the network of support for parents. Categories
December 2024