PC-TAG was thrilled to present Yvonne Janik with the Teacher of the Year Award after receiving several nominations by students and parents.
"She is dedicated to teaching and preparing her students and determined to educate students for their edification.” "Ms. Janik makes a huge impact on the kids she teaches. She is a teacher with high demands from her students (meaning they come away having learned so much from her). However, she balances that with the ability to show students she cares and that she is truly interested in them. I can’t say enough good things about Ms Janik!” "She welcomes us to class every day with a passion for teaching. I feel that she deserves this award because of how dedicated she is to her students' educations.” "Because she is everything a teacher should be and more. She teaches with passion everyday and pushes our children to think and be creative.” Texas Senate Bill 2145 De-Funds Gifted Education
Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 18 at 9:00 a.m., Chairman Larry Taylor and the members of the Senate Education Committee will be holding a hearing to discuss Senate Bill 2145 (relating to the public school finance system). This proposed bill seeks to REPEAL the Gifted and Talented Student Allotment. If this is something you would like to weigh in on, you may contact the senators on the Senate Education Committee and tell them the importance of the G/T weight and allotment, explain that it was created to support gifted students for a reason, and voice your concerns about how detrimental it would be to revoke the allotment. Members of the committee: Chairman Larry: http://www.senate.state.tx.us/member.php?d=11 Don Huffiness: http://www.senate.state.tx.us/member.php?d=16 Paul Bettencourt http://www.senate.state.tx.us/member.php?d=7 Donna Campbell http://www.senate.state.tx.us/member.php?d=25 Bob Hall http://www.senate.state.tx.us/member.php?d=2 Bryan Hughes http://www.senate.state.tx.us/member.php?d=1 Kel Seliger http://www.senate.state.tx.us/member.php?d=31 Van Taylor http://www.senate.state.tx.us/member.php?d=8 Carlos Uresti http://www.senate.state.tx.us/member.php?d=19 Royce West http://www.senate.state.tx.us/member.php?d=23 Sample letter: Dear Chairman Taylor and Members of the Senate Education Committee: Senate Bill 2145, which seeks to repeal the Gifted and Talented Student Allotment in the public school finance system (§ 42.156 of the Texas Education Code), would have a direct negative impact on the educational opportunities afforded to our gifted and talented students in the Highland Park Independent School District. I am a member of PCTAG, a non-profit 501(c)(3) parent organization for individuals interested in improving the education of talented and gifted children in HPISD schools. Gifted students from every cultural background are unique in the way they process information in and out of school, and thus require differentiated curriculum and instruction to accommodate those differences. These students have the potential to greatly impact the future of Texas, from medicine to the arts. Being identified as gifted and talented is not a badge of honor, nor a reward for good behavior. It is an educational diagnosis requiring gifted program services that will encourage gifted and talented students to reach their full potential. Allocating specific support to the gifted and talented students in Texas is vital to promote their intellectual development in a challenging educational setting. I strongly OPPOSE the repeal of the Gifted and Talented Student Allotment set forth in § 1.79 of SB 2145. The loss of funds will negatively impact more than 400,000 students identified as gifted across the state of Texas. Our gifted learners need opportunities to cultivate their strengths, to better understand and accept themselves, and to make positive contributions to the world. I urge you to OPPOSE SB 2145 and continue to support the education of gifted students in Texas. Sincerely, xxx Please take action today. NOW ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS - Link Below Candidates should be skillful, dedicated teachers, whose primary goal is to encourage and inspire a love of learning in their students. Nominees should exhibit some or all of the following qualities: * A concern for students and the ability to inspire them * The ability and willingness to work cooperatively with colleagues * A drive to initiate activities that improve instruction for students * The desire to stay informed about current educational theories and practices * An ability and willingness to make meaningful contributions to education It is helpful to include specific examples of any innovations or methodologies that make this nominee stand out among their peers. Submissions due on or before Friday, April 28, 2017. Nominating Form Nominating a teacher is a great way to honor and celebrate any teachers who are special to you. Anyone may submit a recommendation including students, parents, and colleagues. All teachers are eligible for nomination. It is not restricted to TAG teachers. Questions? Contact Amy Peck Please click on Download File below for more details ![]()
I wanted to have a program about high school GPAs values because before I had kids in high school, I didn't know much about them. GPAs are not a secret, in fact in the student handbook called The Kiltie, grade point values are listed for the different types of classes. It can be found on the high school website.
Since this is a TAG Program, I'm going to assume that a lot of TAG kids are hardworking, inquisitive and eager to learn and want to take TAG classes. There are several different kinds of classes: Regular classes - the highest grade point available is a 4.0. Pre-AP classes - the highest grade point available is a 4.5. TAG Pre-AP classes - the highest grade point available is a 4.5. AP classes - the highest grade point available is a 5.0. TAG AP classes - the highest grade point available is a 5.0. On January 5th three HP graduates, John Herrick, Bethanne Bradshaw and Jacques Friedman spoke about their college experience and the college application process. It was an enlightening program because of the diversity of fields of study. We got a perspective from an honor's computer science major at UT, a biology/music major at SMU and a history major at Vanderbilt. Their thoughts and advice on the college process was well received and appreciated. Please join us in 1/24 at 10 am in the 5/6 Assembly Room at MIS for our program on "How play the grade point game in high school" and "How to be successful in math". Jacques Friedman, Bethanne Bradshaw, John Herrick Jen Wheeler, Amara Durham, Steeve Gruber, Susan Bailey and Anne McPherson At the TAG Program on 11/7/16 "What I Wish I Knew When My Kids Were Young" a panel of experienced parents shared their wit and wisdom. Among the advice were the following tidbits:
On Tuesday October 11, PC-TAG hosted a panel of licensed professional counselors and interns from The Lifeologie Institute (formerly Lifeworks) provided parents with information about how to identify symptoms of anxiety and depression in TAG children and teens. The panel members discussed making the decision to seek professional treatment as well as the different methods used to treat both anxiety and depression in children and teens. The six professionals shared their presentation, suggested additional resources, and answered audience questions. The Lifeologie panel slide show presentation "How to TAG Anxiety & Depression" is available here.
Want more information about PC-TAG http://pctag.org/ or PC-TAG's upcoming Parent Education programs? http://pctag.org/eventsmeetings.html On Wednesday October 5, PC-TAG, HPMS and MIS welcomed Ann Batenburg, Ph.D., who serves as a clinical associate professor of Gifted Education in the Simmons School of Education and Human Development at Southern Methodist University to explain the importance of a growth mindset to parents, administrators and counselors. Dr. Batenburg's presentation "Your Mindset Matters" was designed to provide parents with the tools they need to assist their students in developing a growth mindset. Dr. Batenburg will be speaking to students campus wide at HPMS and MIS in four separate grade level assemblies during October. The student assemblies are open to ALL 5th- 8th grade students. If you missed her first parent presentation, be sure to come to her second on December 6th from 10:00-11:30 am in MIS 5/6 assembly room. Dr. Batenburg’s October presentation is available here. And Dr. Batenburg created an online forum to allow further discussion among separate parent and student groups. The Canvas course: Growth Mindset and Social Emotional Learning for parents and students. To access the course, you can self-enroll https://canvas.instructure.com/register and use the following code: YA7RPP.
PC-TAGWe will post items of interest that discuss gifted education as part of PC-TAG’s mission to develop a stronger awareness of the needs of gifted children and to strengthen the network of support for parents. Categories
December 2024