Angelique Whitehurst (PC-TAG Advocacy Chair) and Laura Haag (PC-TAG President) recently met with Lisa Wilson (Assistant Superintendent for Education Services), Mike White (Assistant Superintendent for Business Services), and Kim Brooks (TAG Coordinator) to discuss House Bill 3 (HB3) and its impact on HPISD's TAG program.
House Bill 3 was enacted in June 2019, bringing sweeping changes to school finance. It reworked many aspects of Texas public education funding, including G/T funding. Prior to HB3, G/T programs were funded with a separate protected allotment (roughly equal to 0.12 of the base allotment per student). HB3 eliminated the protected allotment. However, G/T funding does not go away; the funds are now rolled into a district's general allotment. Under HB3, Texas school districts are still required to have a gifted program. Each year districts must certify with the state that they have a G/T program consistent with the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students. Districts must also report the use of funds to the state. If a district fails to comply, the district could lose funds equal to the amount of the old allotment (0.12 of the base allotment per student). For additional information on HB3, visit the Texas Education Agency website. What does this really mean in HPISD? Both Lisa Wilson and Mike White offered assurances that nothing will change in our district's TAG program and HB3 will not affect our district's TAG funding levels. Historically, HPISD has spent well over the allotment on its TAG program. Last year's allotment from the state was approximately $213,000, and our district budgeted over $500,000 for TAG. HPISD's TAG program will continue to receive this same general level of funding, regardless of the loss of the protected allotment. We are fortunate that our school district values and upholds specialized education for Gifted and Talented students. PC-TAG will continue to work closely and collaboratively with HPISD to ensure that the services our students receive are not diminished in any way as a result of HB3. Please don't hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns.
The PC-TAG Mad Science event was a huge success! Over 100 students and parents enjoyed a spectacular science-filled afternoon. Attendees were entertained and inspired by a Mad Science Show and many hands-on activities. Much fun was had by all!
PC-TAG Parent Speaker Series: Beyond IQ: Understanding Your Gifted Child from the Inside Out10/2/2019 PC-TAG's Parent Speaker Series kicked off 2019-20 with Dr. Patricia Gatto-Walden, PhD. Presenting to a packed house of PC-TAG parents, our dynamic speaker was entertaining, informative and inspiring! Parents walked away with greater insight into their children and themselves.
Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented (TAGT) Advocacy and Legislative Alert E-mail List3/6/2019 Important news: Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented (TAGT) has a free advocacy and legislative alert e-mail list for TAG parents. It is important for every TAGT parent in Texas to sign up! You will not want to miss this information for your child. Stay in the know about TAGT laws, legislative action needs, and issues impacting your children both locally and at the state level.
Sign up HERE. TAGT is the voice of TAG education in Texas, and our parent group is affiliated with this reputable nonprofit organization. Find additional advocacy information from TAGT HERE. If you do one thing for your child’s advanced learning needs this week, please sign up for these e-mail alerts! After school on January 30th, members of the HPHS Robotics team gave a demonstration of their robots to elementary and MIS/HPMS students in the Raider Library. These VEX robots were partly funded by grants given by PC-TAG.
Once again, our grants are directly enriching our children. From Mrs. Hilton: "Thank you so much for funding this experience! It is such a great activity for our kids after learning about the brain! I'm so appreciative!"
PC-TAGWe will post items of interest that discuss gifted education as part of PC-TAG’s mission to develop a stronger awareness of the needs of gifted children and to strengthen the network of support for parents. Categories
December 2024